When the snow fell and power went out in Texas due to freezing temperatures, people no longer had heat or light, they could no longer drive, there was no food to be had in stores, and then there was one additional consequence that caused huge property damage – frozen pipes:
THAT’S MY CAR – Pipe Break Disaster as Texas Thaw begins
Pipes freeze and burst in Texas
The amount of damage that leaking water can cause is amazing because it destroys floors, carpers, drywall, furniture, etc. If on an upper floor it ruins the ceilings as well.
Just one more layer of misery added on top of everything else is Texas.
“The Doomsday Book” by Marshall Brain lays out this scenario in amazing detail and offers solutions to prevent this doomsday scenario from unfolding. You can order the book today on Amazon and other retailers.
A once in a generation pandemic, a once in a generation flood. Parts of China are literally up to their eyeballs in water, in what the Chinese government is calling a once in 100 years flood. The Three Gorges Dam, built to stop these things, is now in the spotlight. The Three Gorges Dam is the world’s largest hydroelectric power station, with an installed capacity of 22,500 megawatts of power generation. The thing is, that the power station is down the Yangtze River from a handful of other dams that exist at a higher elevation than the Three Gorges. And because of the floods and problems at those dams upstream, Three Gorges is buckling under the strain of massive flows of water.
Why has flooding been so severe in China this year?
Gravitas: China floods: 38 million people affected
Gravitas: Three Gorges Dam | China’s dam of doom | China floods | WION
Expert: Three Gorges Dam Could Collapse
China’s dams: A ticking time bomb? China Flood | Three Gorges Dam | World News
Gravitas: China’s dams of doom: 94,000 ageing dams at risk in China
Chinese dam collapse warns of future disasters “Climate Change is bringing heavier and more frequent rain”
“The Doomsday Book” by Marshall Brain lays out this scenario in amazing detail and offers solutions to prevent this doomsday scenario from unfolding. You can order the book today on Amazon and other retailers.
In the United States, two dams in Michigan had problems on May 20, 2020:
Thousands Evacuated as Michigan Dam Fails and Unleashes Flood – “A dam in Edenville, Michigan, failed late May 19 due to excessive rain in the preceding 48 hours, unleashing a flood on the city and neighboring counties and prompting evacuation orders.”
Water is now flowing over top of impoundment at Sanford Dam in Midland County – “Flood waters have begun flowing over the top of the impoundment at Midland County’s Sanford Dam, though the dam itself remained in place late Tuesday. If the dam fails, it could result in flooding in the nearby city of Midland.”
“The Doomsday Book” covers the ultimate dam failure in Chapter 1 – a dam failure that could split the United States in half.
A companion website for "The Doomsday Book" by Marshall Brain