Massive digital clock counts down to a deadline in the climate crisis

A new “Climate Clock” in New York City gives humanity a deadline for concrete action on Climate Change.

Massive digital clock counts down to a deadline in the climate crisis

The reaction to the climate clock on Reddit was intense: The Earth has a deadline. And the Climate Clock in New York City is keeping time.

From the New York Times: A New York Clock That Told Time Now Tells the Time Remaining

Their goal of creating a large-scale clock was influenced in part by the Doomsday Clock, maintained online by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and by the National Debt Clock near Bryant Park in Manhattan. Mr. Golan and Mr. Boyd decided that the Climate Clock would have the most impact if it were displayed in a conspicuous public space and presented like a statue or an artwork.

The Climate Clock has a home on the Internet as well:

The Climate Clock 2020 (explained)

The Doomsday Book” by Marshall Brain lays out this scenario in amazing detail and offers solutions to prevent this doomsday scenario from unfolding. You can order the book today on Amazon and other retailers.

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